The impetus for the Academic Support Center comes from our understanding of the work and mission of Father André Coindre. As the founder of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, he sought to serve those least served in his community. Through silk workshops and rural schools, he sought to form the whole person before him – spirit, soul, mind, heart and body. He met young people where they were and sought to prepare them for everything that life would afford them, to give them a strong foundation for all that the future would hold. Today, in the BG community, we commit ourselves anew to his mission and to the young people in our care.
The Academic Support Center at BG has been established to support students who, in the rigorous environment of our school, find difficulty with the initial demands of our course work. Through assistance with content, and with planning and organizational skills within a structured environment, these students are assisted in learning the skills necessary for present and future success.
The support offered includes content review, organizational skill development, note-taking, reading and research skills as well as time management. The practical issues of everyday school life, content and homework, provide the basis for 1:1 tutoring, both peer and teacher-based. Tasks utilized in this process will include the completion of homework, planning and execution of assignments, review of course work and quiz and test preparation.
Students will be assigned to the Support Center on the basis of their performance or related to concerns identified by their parents, teachers and/or guidance counselors. Above all, the focus is to support these young people in the development of those skills that will make their future success all the more possible.