For student parking registration, information was emailed to students and parents in June with a reminder during the summer. Please check your inbox for times and dates for registration information for juniors and seniors.
With students hailing from more than 40 cities and town across two states, we understand that transportation to and from school can’t be a one size fits all approach. That is why our doors open by 6:30 AM and you’ll often find our cafeteria full of Cardinals into the early evening. For students who can’t drive themselves, many coordinate with their classmates to carpool or take advantage of our three morning bus routes to our local communities.
All students who are driven to school are asked to utilize the loop off of Lund Road.
In order to maintain the safety of all students, the main front lobby door and the chapel door are closed to drop-offs between 7:15 AM and 7:45 AM and to pick-ups between 2:25 PM and 2:50 PM. All students must enter/exit by way of the Weight Room, Gymnasium, and Field House entrances. It is also important that the right lane of the loop be used as a stopping lane and the left lane be available for passing through and exiting.
Every summer, we take the same steps to register our students with assigned parking spots. The following information is the same each year:
A registration link will be sent to SENIORS ONLY in early August for one week. One week later, a registration link will be sent to JUNIORS. We have 305 spots to fill, and they are first-come, first-serve. NO SOPHOMORES WILL BE ALLOWED TO REGISTER. As soon as all spots are filled, we will start a waitlist in the order in which students sign up.
Some reminders about registration and parking privileges:
Students can only register with THEIR OWN, active driver’s license
Anyone using another person’s license or a learner’s permit for registration will be refunded and may be barred from obtaining a parking pass
Parking on campus is a privilege afforded to BG seniors and juniors and can be revoked at any time for any of the following (this list is not exhaustive):
Driving recklessly/speeding in the neighborhoods
Driving recklessly/speeding through the parking lot
Parking in spots that are not your own
Students are not allowed to “loan” or “rent out” their spaces to other students
During the 2024-2025 school year, Bishop Guertin will continue to offer morning transportation using the school’s minibuses. The cost for the entire year is $850.
Those interested in signing up for a morning bus route should reach out to Mrs. Caito.
The Nashua School District offers transportation to students residing in Nashua.
If interested in this option, you can reach the office of transportation at 603-966-1055. To register your student in person, you can visit their offices located at 144 Ledge Street in Nashua.
Based on numbers, students in the mornings will ride their neighborhood high school bus to either Nashua North or South, and will then take a shuttle bus from there to Bishop Guertin. In the afternoon, buses will leave Bishop Guertin at 3:30 PM to drop students off near their home.
Parking for the 2024-25 school year is currently closed as lots are at capacity. You can visit the link below to sign up for the waitlist or reach out to Mrs. Joni McCabe
Please see the parking registration page for more information.
BG partners with Pedal Pushers Driving School to offer driver’s education classes on campus. Students who are interested in more information or in signing up for classes, can click here.