Can a building have a heartbeat? We think so.
Bishop Guertin Campus Ministry isn’t a club or an activity, it’s more than that. It’s where our students, regardless of their faith background, explore their relationship with God and others through service opportunities, formation, and mission trips.
“We challenge the young to become involved in social ministry, to promote justice and peace and to appreciate the value of sharing.”
Brothers of the Sacred Heart Rule of Life #159
Faith Formation
Campus Ministry seeks to help students grow in faith. Through formation activities and events, our Cardinals live out their faith as individuals and as a community. Over the course of the school year, Campus Ministry is responsible for the planning, execution, and promotion of various school-wide events, including liturgies, prayer services and reflections, clothing and goods drives, and raising money for our Brother school in Rutenga, Zimbabwe through our annual Lenten Mission Drive and Mr. BG Pageant.
Community Service
BG students volunteer at a number of local organizations throughout the year, including:
- Nashua Soup Kitchen
- Marguerite’s Place
- St. Christopher School Tutoring
- Girls Inc. Tutoring
- Corpus Christi Food Pantry
- Senior Center Flea Market
- Water Walk
- PAL City Race
- NH Symphony Ushers
- Lil’ Iguana’s Family Fun Day
Mission Trips
There are several Campus Ministry-sponsored service trips throughout the school year. Students often comment that these experiences were some of the best of their high school experience.
Arizona Service Trip to Navajo Nation: St. Anne’s Mission located in Klagetoh, Arizona is a 75 years old mission of All Saints Parish in Ganado, Arizona. The staff is composed of a mixed community of Brothers of the Sacred Heart, Dominicans, and lay volunteers. The mission has a food bank, rummage, youth program, and all church programs. Led by Br. Charles Schilling, students work alongside members of Navajo Nation in friendship while completing a variety of tasks that include building, farming, ranching and cleaning. Learn more about the St. Anne Mission here.
Mission Trip to Camden, New Jersey: Students choosing to participate in the Camden trip are exposed to an eye-opening experience through direct work with the poor and addicted in one of our nation’s poorest cities. In partnership with DeSales Service Works, students serve and counsel those fighting homelessness and addiction. In addition, students assist in an after school program and neighborhood cleanups.
U.S. Province Mission Experience: The Province Mission Trip is an annual summer gathering of students from our Brother schools across the country. Hosted on a rotating basis by one of the schools, this opportunity allows students to meet and interact with other young people who share the Brothers of the Sacred Heart Experience while living out the Brothers’ message of compassion through a commitment to service.