News and Events

Parking Registration Now Open for Seniors and Juniors

Parking registration is open to Seniors and Juniors. Registrations are limited to the spaces available and are first come, first serve. Students will need to fill out the registration form, providing a photo of their valid driver’s license, and pay the $75 fee before securing parking privileges.


Unlike last year, spots will not be assigned. Open parking (see below for guidelines on student spaces) for us to be flexible and nimble during the year should we need to modify the number of students we can safely have on campus.


Parking passes will be distributed to you on your first day of school and as such, passes will not be necessary to park on campus for that day.


Parking Guidelines:


  • Starting on your second day of school and for every school day following, every registered driver/car will be required to display a parking hangtag.
  • Student spots are identified with WHITE numbers and faculty/staff spots with yellow. Students found to be parking in faculty/staff spots risk their parking privileges being revoked.
  • Unauthorized parking on campus will result in the removal of the car from the premises (please note that there is parking on neighborhood streets, however some areas are signed with limitations).
  • Students are expected to drive cautiously and considerately while on campus being mindful of pedestrian traffic and the 5 mile per hour speed limit.


A full description of parking expectations/guidelines can be found in the student handbook.